Dans son assiette

Revues et corrigées, les assiettes de l’artiste Alison Hunter sortent du placard et deviennent de vraies oeuvres d’art.



Originaire d’Irlande, Alison Hunter pioche dans son patrimoine traditionnel et redonne ainsi vie à de vieilles assiettes, tristounettes avec leurs motifs usés par le temps, cassées parfois. Alison tricote et rafistole à la main, imaginant pour chaque soucoupe de nouvelles proportions. On adore sa vaisselle revisitée à moitié où chaque souvenir originel s’étoffe en 3D. A l’aide de différentes techniques de feutrage, l’artiste joue sur les couches de fibres, pour un résultat vivant, généréux et doux au toucher. Alors, verdict? A partir de 340 euros environ l’assiette. Sur Etsy (ici).


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An oldie, made this one a few years ago. Was a commissioned piece and I found this gorgeous very cracked Royal Winton “Queen Anne” Pattern plate in a charity shop. Loved the finished felted piece so much so, that after I sold it I took out the other half that was left and felted it for myself! I know I was really lucky to find this damaged plate that day. . . .#handcreated #handmade #feltplate #wetfelting #needlefelt #woolfelt #wool #pottery #ceramics #alisonhunterartist #sligo #plate #art #creativityfound #irishart #crack #chinaplate #flowers #textileart #felt #visualart #wildatlanticway #mixedmedia #plate #mixedmediaart #royalwinton #queenanne #textileart

Une publication partagée par Alison Hunter (@alisonhunterartist) le



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Delighted to report that this one “Cavendish Roses” has sold on the ArtWall in @leitrimdesignhouse. I received this cracked damaged plate from my aunt, it’s a very sweet little plate with delicate pink and roses pattern and dates from possibly early 1900s. There is a very subtle moulded design on the plate itself and I used this as inspiration on the felted part. Damaged plate combined with wool felt and hand needle felt design. Show continues until end of March thanks to all those who have visited so far. Makers mark: W.H. Grindley & Co. England. No. 412 & 411. Cavendish . .#handcreated #handmade #feltplate #wetfelting #needlefelt #woolfelt #wool #pottery #ceramics #alisonhunterartist #sligo #plate #art #keepcreative #creativityfound #irishart #crack #chinaplate #flowers #textileart #felt #visualart #wildatlanticway #mixedmedia #plate #whgrindley #cavendish #leitrim #leitrimdesignhouse #carrickonshannon #pink

Une publication partagée par Alison Hunter (@alisonhunterartist) le